Sunday, March 1, 2009

SCD legal yogurt using a commercial starter

I'm getting back into video editing. I filmed this in August, but didn't get around to it until today. Oops!


Specific Carbohydrate Diet
24 hour homemade yogurt (legal)
A yogurt recipe for people suffering with digestive disorders

Using Yogourmet Electric Yogurt maker
Dannon Plain yogurt as a "starter"

DO NOT USE LEFTOVER homemade yogurt as a starter - EVER!
Always use a fresh starter or freeze-tried starter packages.

Do not use soy milk!
I use Cow's Milk because you can find it everywhere.

More information on 24 hour yogurt:

Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall
Eat Well Feel Well by Kendall Conrad



Anonymous said...

I'm actually responding to your last video. You asked everyone about the work position. Mine is that I do currently work, I'm an office manager, but it is a really easy job, not to stressful (unless I'm gone for a day, then I have lots of catching up to do). I can honestly say though, that if I didn't have a job like mine, I would be too sick to work. I still run to the bathroom too much and deal with stomach pains. So I'm very thankful for my job.

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